Thursday, 1 December 2011

The Slits' Y3LP: the perfect follow up to a perfect debut.

The Slits' debut album 'Cut' has grown to become one of my all time favourite albums. There's so much energy, wit and melody contained within, something most punk albums of the time lack. The production is also spot-on perfect (big up Dennis 'Blackbeard' Bovell). Now this blog post isn't really about the debut, I want to write about the follow up they released in 1980, a collection of studio jams, demos and general fucking around. I think they even self-bootlegged it. All I can say is more groups should do this. This is a real album. Pure, unadulterrated mayhem and melody thrown in the bin and rolled down the hill. In a strange way it reminds me of Neil Young's 'Journey Through the Past'. An artist just doing what the fuck they like for sake of no one but themselves and maybe a couple of friends. Fucking wild, creative music unlike anything else.

The Slits - Y3LP

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